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If You are looking for a definition of any tech-related term. Here we go with this page, where you can find what you need.

Meaning of KEKW in Twitch Chat

What Does KEKW Mean in Twitch Chat and Where Did It Originate?

Twitch is a popular video live-streaming service that caters to content creators of various genres. If you have been a part of Twitch Chats...
FTM Meaning

What Does FTM Stand For in Text ? (FTM Meaning)

Did you ever hear about the FTM but don't know the exact meaning or context of this word. Then, you have landed in the...
Which Software is Best at Testing Your Computer’s Power Supply?

Which Software is Best at Testing Your Computer’s Power Supply?

The power supply is one of the most overlooked aspects of computing. After all, most people look at things like the processing unit or...
What is a Rotating Proxy

What is a Rotating Proxy and How Does it Work ?

By definition, a rotating proxy is: "a proxy server that assigns a new IP address from the proxy pool for every connection." But here we explain...
What is Software Development Life Cycle

What is Software Development Life Cycle ( SDLC ) ? Simplified

SDLC stands for software development life cycle, which easily indicates that it is related to software engineering concepts. Basically, this is more of a...